as i promised b4....i will upload the new wedding gate designed by me....heheh this is i've mentioned to fariza....hehehhe so how?? this is my hand made...not copy paste from internet how is it guys??? nice?? interesting?? so... for those who r attracted and interested with my design..and want to rent this wedding gate...just hit me here....and i'll give a quick reply, the fabrick color's could be change, follow ur own ceremony's theme...huhuh starting my bisnes here....huhuhu. actually this is not is belong to my elder sister..seems she has a catering company...especially for she bought this 1 for her own and also for future and bisnes use....
so here is the picture of the wedding hall...decorated and designed by me and my sister...actually im not really creative compared to my sweet 17 years old niece... Izzaty...she got da skill, talents and also creativity that we think would have a bright future if given the opportunity and time also right and good guidance to her...
Meal for the groom and bride....this is 100% touched by my elder sister "angah" and also her daughter "izzaty"...they are such a creative family...i am really impressed on what they have done....also my mom..because she do not even know that her daughter and her grand children can make all these things as an experts did.... congrates....congrates....looks like after this...i can save my money... just ask my sister n my niece to do it for me, rather than ask someone to make all this stuff and with expensive charge....huhuuh. tq....tq....
this wedding held on saturday....@ pusat islam's hall..KL...and the most interesting part is..when i step into the building...i can see my name written on banners, posters and even on the wall...without waiting the bride to comes...i'm walking on the red carpet while others watching my footstep...huhuhuhu....what a coincidence?? the bride name's is same like my....hehehe 'mastura'... dont believe it?? i'll prove it to u...
Here's the 5 kgs cake that we provide as a gift to the bride...just a simple cake ordered to the nearest cake house...actually "izzaty" can make cake also...but she couldn't managed to handle so many we just bought it from "New Zealand"...hehehe is it the real New Zealand?? huhuhuh
Nice, elegant and smart containers, worth RM450 sister bought 10, exclusively for her customers...:p
Another story besfren gave me a message..she wants to sleep @ my home.. but, i just realize her msg after the wedding ceremony almost end...hehehe. sorry olin....hope u helping my sister on weekend...just help her to build up her new Olin have to spent her time with her doctor.. the same question is repeat, "is it the real doctor olin?" huhuh, i dont want to mention the doctor's name..huhuhu. she came here for 3 interviews....on friday, monday and teusday...i wish u good luck...all the best and u can do it..just believe that if there is a fact that ur destiny on that company, accept the offer...and if there is not...dont have to feel down, demotivated and feels that u r unlucky person... keep in mind that maybe it is not ur luck or 'rezeki'...ok?? :p
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