Congrates for my freind Fariza... for her wedding ceremony on last saturday @ Putrajaya public hall... really sweet couple both of you guys... hope there is no ending luv story... met my old freind there...but we are rushing to go to other open we don't have time to take picture with the groom and the bride... then lastly we all went to my house...coz my frens on this pic below want to see my wedding album...cbuk je!!! hehehe...but there is no pic on kelantan's wedding..don't have time to print out those pic anymore..maybe next week...
and for the sunday...the luvly day...i made my first MeeHoon malay mihun sup!! heheeh. i use meat ball to replace the fresh meat...(oa i don't like meat) and adding some mini it become Soto... nyum2! hehehe
nape pic aku x der.. hikhik
mls r nk ckp...sengal...
pergh~ comel giler budak tu..wakakaka..mas, send la kt aku gambar sumer..yg kt sini ko dh edit..aku xmau 2nd hand..aku mau originall ma~ ;p
ko nk gmbr ape??
gambar la weh..gambar~~!! gambar org la..xkan gambar munyit..ngahaha
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